P r o f e s s i o n a l . D e p e n d a b l e . C o m m e n d a b l e .
Providing Quality Traffic Control Throughout PA, OH, WV, MD, NY, NJ, and CA
Flagging Services
Need fully-trained, fully-equipped flaggers? We're on call 24/7 for your convenience. We provide knowledgable and professional staff to keep your workzone safe and mind at ease!
Safety Crews
Want to keep your work moving quickly and efficiently? We can allieviate the headaches of maintaining traffic patterns. Our Safety Crews are available to provide full M & P!
Training, Security, Parking
Other concerns? We can train your employees to flag construction sites, provide watchmen when you're not working , and organize the parking for your high-volume event!
Who We Are
At All State Traffic Control of PA, Inc., safety is our business, so that you can do yours. We are a WBE/DBE company providing a full range of services including flagging, work zone safety crews, complete Maintainence & Protection of traffic, sign rental and installation, American Traffic Safety Service Association certifications, unarmed security and watchmen services, and parking organization for high-voulme events nationwide. Our commitment to traffic regulation, work zone safety and the latest in construction techniques is evident in our twenty-year, accident-free record. And our competitive pricing means you don't have to settle for less, so work with the best!
To discuss all of your traffic control needs, contact us now!
H a v e a S A F E D A Y , w i t h A L L S T A T E T R A F F I C C O N T R O L OF P A!
P r o u d l y P a r t n e r t i n g W i t h :
ATSSA I Unified Certification Programs (WBE/DBE) I NYSDOT I PennDOT I Caltrans I ISNetworld